School Clinic
Students who come to the clinic for various reasons usually request that their parents be called. Just because you receive a phone call does not mean you must pick up your child, unless the child is obviously ill or injured. Middle School is a time of change, growing up, and developing responsibility. Students have to learn that sometimes we have to deal with discomfort and remain at school. Helping them to understand this will help them develop attendance and work habits that carry over into adulthood. Our goal is to keep students in class to learn to their full potential. However, if a child is really sick, they should stay home. Academic success is directly related to the good health and emotional well being of each student.
There are certain rules and procedures for the clinic and the school. Knowing some of them will help to avoid confusion and make things a little easier for everyone. I have listed information to the right on various topics to help guide you through the process. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's health needs and care, please call me at 898-0322.
Related Links
Center for Disease Control and Prevention